कृपया भारतीय मानवाधिकार एवं संरक्षण परिषद से जुड़ें Join us, SPEAK BEFORE APPLY FOR THE MEMBERSHIP For more details visit below 9873005424 , 9873087903 https://humanrightscouncil.in/ https://hrcin.org/ https://twitter.com/AdvAnthonyRaju Email : Office@humanrightscouncil.in ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & SOCIAL JUSTICE (AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate , Supreme Court of India, Dynamic Internationally accredited Human Rights Defender, Inspirational, spritual and motivational speaker , Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of global's foremost voices of Human Rights and powerful voice for voiceless people globally. All India council of human rights, liberties & social justice registered under Society , Govt of NCT, has been added as signatory to UNITED NATION GLOBAL COMPACT . ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & SOCIAL JUSTICE (AICHLS) is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju - Advocate, Supreme Court of India an...